lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

the little hard flame of truth

"I saw the Daily Mirror   to-day -the Zeppelin wrecks, etc.,how exhausted one is by all this fury of strident lies and foul death. But less and less does the world matter to one -people, and all they say or do, life, all that is out there in the world - it ceases to have any significance. Nothing matters, in the end, but the little hard flame of truth  one had inside oneself and which does not blow about in the draught of blasphemus living. It seems to me, things matter to one less and less and less, till little remains to one but the pure abstraction within one, and that is inviolable.

Still, I know that there are some other people, who have the same abstraction, who live finally by the central truth, and by nothing of the loathsome outer world. And in the end, I hope we can add our spirit together, unite in essential truthfulness, and create a new well-shapen life out of the smashed mess of the old order - I do believe we can, in time. But we have to give ourselves time -heaven knows how long."

September,27, 1916

The letters D.H. Lawrence

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